Széchényi 2020

CRM system operation - Insurance

CRM system operation - Insurance
CRM system operation - Insurance

The insurance market has developed a fiercely competitive situation in recent years - a fragmented market, declining revenues. Due to cost optimization reasons, the IT management of the internationally owned insurance company in Hungary decided to take over the operation of their market-leading boxed CRM solution from the foreign owner's central IT organization.

The handover processes were designed and directed by Mortoff’s consultants to the utmost satisfaction of the customer. As a result of the project, the CRM system is operated and managed by Mortoff for continuous improvement, which continuously improves the business areas' efficiency - the reports prepared by the Customer shows that CRM salespeople's efficiency is close to both average stock value and contract potential. It increased by 10%. The application can effectively support the company's sales and marketing area in the long run by creating a 360-degree customer image, tracking sales opportunities and tasks, and supporting central and regional campaigns.


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